Sunday, January 15, 2012

2012 - The Living Room Garden - Basil Sprouts


We have BASIL!!!  Five days after sowing the seeds on Monday, the seeds sprouted on Saturday.  I can't believe it!  

The house is fairly cool.  We keep the thermostat at 67 to keep the cost down.  Fortunately we have been lucky with mild temperatures this winter with a few bursts of blustery cold temps.

That being said, the greenhouse effect was not occurring with just the sunlight hitting it during the day and I don't believe the soil I purchased is the best at retaining water either.  

In came a clamp light that I found to help heat the bottles up and create some humidity in there to boost the environment for promoting growth.

All-in-all, I was super excited to see the little guys growing!  

Now I anxiously await the next two, cilantro and dill, to sprout on day 7.  The parsley should break ground on day 21.

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