Thursday, March 29, 2012

2012 - The Plans

Our raised garden was planted on Monday, March 26th and here's what I set in it.  I have more plants to plant, but ran out of room.  How surprising.  It is mostly herbs.  The Sweet Onion is from an onion that sat in our fridge and had some growth coming from it.  We will see how it does.  The Lemon Balm, Spearmint, Oregano, and Chive Onion is from the previous herb garden.  My Mom gave me the Brussels Sprout, Kentucky Pole Bean, Carrot, Radish, Beet and White Bunching Onion Seeds, while the rest is from the store.  I left two spots open to space out the carrots and radishes to have throughout the season.

The week before, I planted the rest of the Daffodils from Walmart and put in some Sunflower seeds into the clay pot I got while at Walmart.  The sunflowers have emerged and the Daffodils seem to peek further out of the dirt, or the rain has compacted the dirt  making them look taller.

In the meantime, a surprise flower has popped up and is quite beautiful.  Either it is a weed or some transplanted seed from a bird, it is very interesting.  I had some come up last year, but it was before the grass got too tall and noticed more.  This year, with all the rain, this one is the only one I found since I have mowed all the other areas where they came up.

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