Thursday, July 5, 2012

2012 - July 5

These Sunflowers are SO tall!!!  They tower over 10 feet! 

The Strawflowers are so cool to watch open and close as the sun goes up and down and when the rain pours (during the few times it has).  The squirrels keep digging in the pot for something and knock out some of the flowers.

When I cleaned out the Butterfly Garden at the beginning of the season, I pulled up a portion of the Mums by accident and thought I had pulled it all out.  Here it grows in my disbelief!  Grow baby grow!  Fall flowers, here we come.

Panda checks out the Tomato pot under the Rose-of-Sharon bush.

The first Pepper!  It is small, but it is FULL of flavor.

For size comparison, Evan and I decided to place it next to a Roma Tomato.  Not very big.

Along with the Pepper, the Kentucky Pole Beans had some dried pods.

I took them out and put them in a bag for safe keeping.  I will be using these later.

Here are all the Snow Pea, Radish, Dill, and Cilantro plants that have been pulled up.  They are drying so that I can pull the seeds from them for keeping.

Coriander seeds from the Cilantro plant.

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