Saturday, September 15, 2012

2012 - Sept 15

Now that the days are cooler, Panda will enjoy his stay outside more.  He loves sitting on the porch and watches over the yard from his perch.  The Butterfly Garden is also making a comeback after the scorcher of a summer we had.

Pixie loves being outside, regardless of the heat.  She will wonder around the yard or sit out in the yard and keep guard.  Deer, Squirrel, Rabbit, Mouse, Mole, Frog, Person or Cat: Beware of Dog.  She will bark at you!  Her cuteness will fool you and then she will shower you with wet tongue kisses if she deems you a good guy.

Oh, Brussels Sprouts, when will you be ready?  You tempt me with your Sprouts all along your stalk and then I defend you from your caterpillar attacks.

Tasty looking Tomatoes popped out of no where and now Evan and I have lots of potential Tomatoes, hoping for a red bounty of Tommy Toes and Yellow Drops.

An array of Kale leaves tempt me with a nice dish for Kale chips.  One day I will munch on your tasty produce.

Basil, Spearmint, Garlic Chives and Parsley Oh, My!  These guys are doing so well now that the summer heat has subsided.

The smaller stalk of Kale is making a push for some new leaves after I plucked them all off from the caterpillar attacks.

The Kentucky Pole Beans are doing their thing just fine now too.  Lots of little Pole Beans are lining the vine.  So exciting.

The last of the Summer Red Sunflowers.

A baby Rose of Sharon blooms underneath the Parent Bush.  So cute.

Evan's new flower from Powell Gardens is holding up well after I planted in the heat of the summer.

Mine is doing ok.  Half of it died off along with Evan's other plant he picked out had did the same thing.  The red flowered plant died, as the yellow one takes over.

After I split this Deep Orange Lily and gave it to my Mom for Mother's day, it had died off quite a bit too.  I am glad to see it still growing and several plants strong again.

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