Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sept. 20, 2012 - Garden End of Season

As the year winds down, I pull what I can out of the garden to make some more yummy recipes.  

- Roasted Potatoes -
Rosemary, Oregano, Basil, Chives, and Parsley from the garden roasted with garlic cloves and potatoes. 

- Spearmint Tea -  
Freshly Pulled Mint from the Garden and cooked in a pot of boiling water to extract the flavor.

- Pesto
 Freshly Pulled from the Garden and blended with Pine Nuts and Oil.

This made quite a bit and I was able to pour the mixture into ice trays and freeze them for a future use.  They are very delicious and taste well on spaghetti noodles and sprinkled with parmesan. 

The new mums were getting ready to bloom finally.

A few Kentucky Pole Beans were still growing. 

A couple of Sunflowers were still blooming.  

Still no Brussels Sprouts to be able to be eaten.  

Mr. Toad is still guarding the Mesclun mix.  

The nights have finally cooled off and we threw some logs on the fire pit and enjoyed the warmth until the rain started.  Good thing I made the fire extra big to withstand the hard rainfall. 

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