Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 2013 - Front Yard Makeover

For a long time, I have been wanting to get the garden bed at the front of the house in shape.   Lots of weeds, heat, and dry dirt has determined what would go here.  The faucet on the garage was finally fixed and now the garden can get some much needed water for the hotter days to come. 

Evan and I got this done for around $100.  The cost of the rocks was more than I expected, but needed them for when the gutter overflows on heavy rain days.  This helps with erosion.  We dug up the weeds and planted a few things after moving the forsythia and holly bush that are now in better locations. 

Evan and I picked out three dwarf evergreens that are not suppose to get very tall, eight feet maximum, some pretty purple flowers that didn't last even a week, and a variegated holly bush.  We kept the lilies, pretty orange flowers and the St. John's Wart from my mom's yard.  Then, we laid down a soaker hose and covered everything up with a weed liner, mulch and rocks.

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