Friday, June 22, 2012

2012 - June 22 - Pests and Production

The onslaught of an early spring and the lack of a true winter has shown my garden what it can do to it.  Ants have been a problem on all the sunflowers, but no major damage.

Soybeans!!!  This little plant had several bean pods.  They are too small to taste.

The cilantro is blooming and is done with producing the yummy leaves as the heat has caused this herb to bolt.

I wanted to attract pollinators to our vegetables so they can produce a bounty of fruit by planting the sunflowers in the raised garden.  However, the mass of caterpillars have done their damage to the plants.  Pockets of holes all throughout our garden show how hungry these guys are.

The Spaghetti Squash is getting bigger and bigger and I await patiently for it to turn yellow!

The Bumble Bees LOVE our garden this year.  They frequent the Butterfly Garden and the Raised Garden.

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