Saturday, June 16, 2012

2012 - Pesky Pests

And it begins.  A swarm of Japanese Beetles have graced my garden.  My poor four year old Rose-of-Sharon Bush is finally providing me privacy from my neighbor is being eaten alive by this damaging pest.  I need to find some way to save it.  I used the rest of my insecticidal soap to kill the mating bugs in the act, but I fear it is minimal to zilch effect.  This flower is now devoured.  As well as the majority that have bloomed yesterday and today and the ones that are just opening.  A few beetles turned into hundreds.  Madness.


 On another note, the Spaghetti Squash is producing a few fruits.

 The Green Pepper is getting bigger!

The Peas are finishing their season and I am trying to decide what to put in their place for the summer rotation.

 The Brussel Sprouts are doing better.  Maybe by winter, they will be as tall as me and have lots of Sprouts!

 My pot of Sunflowers and Daffodils are almost as tall as me and starting to bloom.

Opening Soon!!!

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