Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013 - Spring Clean Up!!!

This year we are having a later start on our garden compared to last year.  I'm OK with that.  I love the snow!  Nevertheless, I am ready for our garden to get going and get us out of this dreary brown state.

It is interesting to see what has survived:

Kale and Arugula is growing on the backside of the raised garden.

On the inside of the Raised Garden, Leeks and Green Onions are growing beautifully!

In the Butterfly Garden, the Day Lilies and Lamb's Ear is coming back.

Here is a nice close up of the Leeks.

Baby Carrots anyone?

After a good clean up inside the bed, I rearranged the soaker hose to insure that everything gets a good dose of water in the summer heat this year.

The Mint had grown all over the garden, into the walkways, the main bed and even over to the Butterfly Garden.  I cleared it back as this will take over anyone's garden if it is not tended to properly.

It won't be long before the grass next to our yard is taller than the fence and ours will need to be mowed more than I want to.

Panda is definitely enjoying the nice April weather we are having as I clean the garden.

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