Thursday, April 26, 2012

2012 - Garden Update

~It has been a VERY busy week for me and this was supposed to post on the 20th. Sorry for the delay.~

Alright!  Here we go!

We've got Radishes looking beautiful in the top left, a newly planted Green Pepper on the right and last year's sprouts of Garlic Chives in the top right.  The bounty of lush Vates Kale, which tastes super yummy with my Tuna Salad sandwich, is surrounded by Beet Greens on both sides.

Here's a little better look at the Beets.  The red veins stand out in the bright green foliage.  These guys will need to be thinned here shortly as they will get too overgrown for this less than a square foot spot.  I am going to wait until they are a bit bigger for mixing with our salad greens.

This square on the left side of the Kale is a transplant spot for the Beets and one Radish.  They were thinned out from the other sections of the garden that I didn't want to get rid of so soon.  They are much smaller than their bigger cousins that did not get transplanted.   This could be an interesting study if I wanted to make one out of it to compare the results from transplant to non transplant.

The back side of the Raised Garden has the Peas and Beans.  Up front are about five plants of Snap Peas.  Behind it is a Kentucky Pole Bean that is struggling and I transplanted a Soybean and put it in that square with the Pole Bean.

An overlook of the four foot square garden:
From Left to Right:
Top Row - Sunflowers, Snow Peas, Kentucky Pole Bean with Soy Bean, Sugar Snap Peas.
Second Row - Sweet Onion with Chives, Dill, Brussel Sprouts, Basil with Second Green Pepper Plant.
Third Row - Carrots (not sprouted yet) with Radish, White Bunching Onion, Garlic Chives, Cilantro.
Forth Row - Beets and Radish, Vates Kale, Beets, Parsley.

Out in the yard, a lone Spaghetti Squash plant is taking off.

With the Squash, I planted the third and forth Pepper plants with the emerging Soybean plant.

Our Powell Garden Member's Butterfly Bush is growing bigger.

I got anxious about the Radishes being at three weeks so far in the garden.  However, I think the Radish needed another week or so to grow larger than a dime.  Evan did a good job of pulling it out of the bed with out damaging the plant.  The root was about seven inches long.  It sure tasted good too.  I washed the little guy off and took a tiny bite out of it and it was full of radish flavor!

I finally got the back side of the garden all settled and hopefully all the Sunchokes will keep from growing back.  I put down a weed barrier to keep the guys at bay.  My hopes is this did not make the bed for the Musclun mix too susceptible for drying out.

The Daffodils and the sunflowers are getting taller and taller in the Terracotta Pot.

Here's what's left of the Sunchokes... maybe.  They are in a pot waiting to get to Tulsa to give to my Mom.

The Honeysuckle is in full bloom and making Evan miserable allergy wise.  It's been really windy around here and we had to take the hammock down so that it did not turn into a giant sail.
The rest of the vegetable garden will have to wait until next year.  I still want to put the garden under the clothes line.  Maybe I will just put out some flowers to keep from having to mow under the line.

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