Wednesday, April 11, 2012

2012 - Powell Gardens

Every time Evan and I make our way out to Powell Gardens it is always hot.  It was April 1st and almost 90 degrees out.  March 2012 beat out so many highest temperature records throughout the country that it wasn't surprising the first day of April would present a little taste of that as well.  This garden hosts a bounty of variety in species of plants.  My favorite is the Editable Garden.  I like to see what kind of plants survive this strange climate we live in and get excited about growing it in our own backyard.  Last year we checked it out in August to see what kind of vegetables survived the very hot summer we had.  Okra was the most memorable.   It was so beautiful too.  Deep maroon veins as if they were blood vessels within the gorgeous green leaves.

The Sunflowers were also my favorite memorable plants that were scattered all over the editable garden.  As well they should be.  After their huge flower show is over there will be LOTS of seeds for everyone to enjoy!  If the birds don't get to them first!  Ha!

Enough of last year's great display!  This spring was all about the millions of blooms that arrived early this year.  Even though it was the first day of April, it seemed like we missed so many blooms already.  The Daffodils, Crocus, and the many other first bloomers of Spring were done.   Nonetheless, we still saw so many beautiful displays and smelled all the breath taking aromas that they gave off.

Last year, - I know, I know, I said enough of last year, but - Evan and I signed up for the $50 membership level that gives us unlimited visits for a year, minus festivals and trolley service and we received a butterfly bush just like this one.  Only our bush is almost a square foot in size and is not producing quite a display like this one.  Hopefully, ours will one day be this big and happy if the deer leave it be and it survives the harsh life in our back yard.  So far it has it has survived the dry winter we just had, so it's a start.

Being that it is early spring, the lettuce at Powell Gardens was in full display.  It was very delicious looking despite the heat wave in March, as it looked incredible.  Hopefully, it is not too late for our lettuce we planted a week ago in our own yard.

The Fountain is Evan's favorite spot.  When it is hot, like it is every time we come out here, he tends to jump in and cool off.  He didn't do it this time.  I was surprised.   It's always fun to sit there and watch kids run around in it and have fun and it makes Evan feel like a little kid, too.

 I think purple flowers or the color of purple was the theme here this time around...

After moving from the Editable Garden, we trekked our way towards the Perennial Garden.  There is quite a walk in between the two. A great place to rest is in the Monet inspired Pond that is a garden on an island.  The spot where we sat, the Marjorie Powell Allen Chapel could be seen from a distant.  From this picture it looks like it is a bird house in the tree.  It was amusing because it was not the intention when I took it.

This Papyrus plant was an unexpected species to see.  It sat in a large pot of water with hundreds of blossoms that fell from the tree above.  Very neat to see.

Another really neat feature of this Pond Garden is the Living Wall.  The plants cling to the rocks all splayed out with their thousands of blooms.  From Herbs to Succulents to mystery species that I have no idea what they are named.

I'll spare the pictures of the Pond as it was recovering from the winter, but everything around it made up for it's loss of beauty.  Once we left the Pond, it was a short trek through the Prairie to the Rock and Waterfall Garden in the forest.

Once in the forest, the waterfalls could be heard.  They were as refreshing as the shade from the hot sun.  Bursts of red highlighted the garden in the new green leaf growth in the forest.

 There were lots of places to sit and relax to take in the sounds of the forest.  Or just sit and enjoy the view.

These Summer Snowflakes were a joy to see.  They remind me of Lily of the Valley with their bell shaped flower.  A reminiscent of a crocus plant is seen the the foreground.

Another delight, Hellebore.  Though not as pretty as I'd hope to see, it was really awesome to finally see it in person.

To the point of this whole post, this next bunch of pictures are the real reason we went.  The Arbor Garden sits next on the edge of the pond and has this most outrageous display of Wisteria covering the majority of it.  The billions of blooms buzzed with the hum of bees that filled the air while they pollinated in a dizzy of floral nectar aromas.

Ah Ha!  Caught you in action, Mr. Bee!

Quite amazing.  The sunfish were all standing by waiting for someone to feed them, too!  I just wish I had a fishing pole to catch one, but that wouldn't be fair.

 These last blooming Buttercup Daffodils were pleasant to take in.

Taking our walk back to the garden's visitor center, Evan stumbled upon this very fast moving and fat caterpillar. 

Out of the heat and into the tropical room, contrary to the name, it was nice and cool inside.  Lots of Orchids and Amaryllis where in full bloom.

Please check this garden out if you are in the Kansas City area.  It truly deserves your attention and is worth the visit.  Anytime of the year is a treat.

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