Sunday, August 5, 2012

2012 - Aug 5 - Powell Garden

The Festival of Butterflies were going on again this weekend at Powell Garden.  Last year we went, the weather was much hotter and we purchased a year membership.  This was the last time we could head out that way before our membership expired.

The heat has taken a toll on the butterflies and moths as well as the early spring and lack of rainfall.  Their numbers were fewer than last year.

Teddy Bear Sunflowers lined the walk outside the building.

This hungry caterpillar munches on Parsley.  It will soon be a Black Swallowtail Butterfly!

Evan somehow turned into a Monarch.  That's funny, because I thought he was allergic to Milkweed.

This Pipevine Swallowtail Caterpillar was cool to watch eating it's host plant.

Evan holds onto a Monarch Caterpillar as it crawls around in his hand.

This Monarch just emerged from his chrysalis.

Lily Pads in this island garden grow so large.  They are beautiful!

This Atlas Moth was almost a foot across.  The tips of it's wings are suppose to resemble snake heads.  Pretty neat.  There were about a dozen of these guys around the garden.

Evan and I sat down to paint some pots for memorabilia.   Evan painted his visit to the garden.  Butterflies and caterpillars.  I painted our garden.  Pepper, Sunflowers, and the Butterfly Bush. 

On top of the observation tower, you could really see the toll the heat and drought have taken on the area.

The garden also acquired a new trolley.  It is so cute!

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