Thursday, August 9, 2012

2012 - Aug 9

It is too bad that I waited until a cool day to install the drip hose that I bought at the beginning of the growing season along with a new hose to attach to the faucet by the deck, roughly 45 feet from the garden to the faucet, as most of the garden had suffered from the drought and the heat wave by now.  A much unexpected August brought cooler temperatures and a little bit more rain.

Through the drought, only a few tomatoes developed.  They were all small, but tasty.  This tomato is a yellow variety that I pulled off the vine as the skin was beginning to split from the intense heat.

It is not very big, but I did not mind.  I was happy to see a yellow tomato growing in my extra large pot with Oregano, Boxwood Basil, and Marigolds.

The Spaghetti Squash is just about ready.  It sits with our several small Cherry and Yellow Tomatoes from the garden, and  Peach we picked up from the store.

Once I cleared out the garden and installed the drip hose, I planted some new seeds. Mesclun, Beets, Radishes, Peas, Beans, Carrots, Cilantro, and Spinach.

The Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Basil, Carrots, Pepper, and Bean Plants still remain.

The Pepper is ready to pluck!  It has turned a nice red on one side.

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