Thursday, March 8, 2012

2012 - Spring has Sprung!!! Even More!!!

New transplants!  Evan and I bought eighteen new tulip bulbs at our local Lowes.  Three of each color: Yellow, Purple, White, Red and White, Red, and Orange.  They were $0.98 each!  So I picked out bulbs that had lots of babies growing with the main one.

I took the three orange and white tulips and mixed them in with the Irises that sit on the two corners of the front patio/driveway walls.  I also buried some new Daffodil and Allium bulbs behind the Irises which are old and may not come up.  I purchased them at Wal-Mart in February for four cents, so if they don't pop out I won't be too upset.  They have been in the fridge to keep from molding and waiting for the right time to be planted.

White Tulip planted in between two Irises.  A orange tulip planted in between the top two Irises.

While planting the Tulips, I noticed that the Crocus had popped out over night and made their debut.

The wind has been sustained around 20 mph with gusts of upwards to 50 mph.  This flower got severed by a yucca leave that it grew up under.

My Mom's Day Lilies survived!!!  I am so siked to see these coming back!

The Holly Bush is struggling, but is still holding its ground.  It looks like disease is trying to take it down.  Boo.

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