Wednesday, March 7, 2012

2012 - Spring has Sprung!!!

This Spring has started early.  The Daffodils take flight first! Their green leaves and pointy yellow-green buds shoot for the sky to welcome the warm weather on.  These guys sit around two rocks that mark our driveway entrance and make me smile every time I pull in.

Most of the action is taking place in the backyard were the butterfly garden is beginning anew.  Everything is coming back up and this makes me so happy.  I feared that the lamb's ear had died off in the summer from the intense heat and drought we had endured.  Those soft light blue-green little furry leaves have emerged with the day lilies and a few weeds as well.  I need to get cleaning and remove the dead leaves out, but fear a burst of cold air will hurt these new leaves as it is only the beginning of March.  This dead growth could act as a blanket until April has arrived.  Our last frost date is April 15th.  With these warm temperatures and nice days, I have been very anxious to get out there and setup the new herb garden.  I fear the growth of the sunchokes will arrive before I can dig up the tubers.  Maybe that will make it easier to find those suckers. 

Lamb's Ear is in the middle, Day Lilies at the bottom and top, and a few ground cover weeds at the top.

Oh, beautiful new growth of life.

Lamb's Ear!!!  Yay!

Mr. Spearmint, I am sorry, but you will have to be transplanted soon.   I know you can make your showcase later in the new herb garden.  I know you got that warrior attitude to survive the journey.

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