Friday, April 27, 2012

2012 - The Living Room Garden - Update

With so much focus on the Raised Garden, the Living Room Garden has gone neglected.  The Cilantro and Dill did not survive the lack of attention, while the Basil and Parsley struggles to hang in there.  I may take what I have extras of (what needs to be thinned out) in the Raised Garden to plant in these pots to have easy access to herbs.

This one lone basil survivor is fighting for it's right to live.  I will forget to water and it leans with major wilt and then I hurry to water and it picks right back up.  The only bad thing is that it does not get the proper amount of sunlight and that is why it is so leggy.  It's stem length is not right.  Those leaves should be almost touching the dirt.  It's fight for survival has caused it to grow super long to reach the sun's rays.  The Parsley is fighting too, but the basil is more interesting for some reason.

While the Living Room Garden faces South, the light is limited since it sits on the table several feet away and I dare not open the blinds all the way.  My only neighbor has his window RIGHT across from ours.  Great planning and he leaves his window wide open all day, all night.  Next Spring, I will try to figure a contraption that will have the plants sit on the window sill with some sort of privacy shade to keep the peeping eyes out if they try to look in while the plants get all their beloved sunshine.

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