Monday, April 30, 2012

2012 - A Month Later!

So much growth since a month ago!  The Butterfly Garden is getting so full!  I am going to have to split these Lilies up to free up some room.  Evan's new flower is looking really pretty with it's red and yellow blooms.

The red is prominent in this picture, while the yellow is on the back side of the plant.  Next time I will get an angle that has the two plants to show the different colors.  Behind it, the Russian Sage is looking very full and beautiful!

The Raised Garden is looking wonderful too!  The Kale chips really helped thin it out as you can see that it was over growing with lots of leaves!  I will have to thin it down to two plants I believe.  As well as the Beets.  They will be thinned to maybe four.

 Here's a nice overlook of the whole garden.  The Parsley has finally popped up as well as the Carrots!

There's those yummy Pea shoots.  I am never going to let them get tall if I keep eating the sprouts.

The Sunflowers are getting tall too!  I may have to thin them as they keep getting tangled into one another in the strong winds.  Their size contrasts so much comparably to the ones in the terracotta pot.  Another surprise is the Kentucky Pole beans, they seem to have taken off a bit since I last documented them.  I have a Soybean sprout in there as well, and thank God, because the deer have eaten the one out by the fence.  I may have to start some more to get them going again.

There is the Parsley next to the beet greens.  Not much out of the ground, but they are a slow grower.  The Cilantro is looking good and there are some new Radish Sprouts popping up next to them on the right.

The Dill is looking so lush with it's feathery foliage. 

The Daffodils are looking like they might just bloom.  I have read that I should cut them off and let the bulb build up energy for next year.  I really don't want to do that.  The sunflowers are looking good, but seem over crowded.

The Mesclun is looking really good in the fenced in garden.  Look a little closer at the top and those pesky Sunchokes are poking their ugly heads up out of the ground.  I do believe there are tubers under the concrete block that are impossible to get to.  Like I said before, EVERY bit of the tuber, root and plant must go.  What an invasive species.

Oh Deer.  Quit eating my stuff.  I know.  It's my fault for not covering these tasty little guys, but it still urks me that they would come into my yard and eat my food.  The nerve.  You foraging monsters.

Whatever.  I am not upset.  Just really glad they didn't eat the Spaghetti Squash.  The Peppers may come back.  I won't hold my breath, especially the Soybean plant that was completely demolished.

Here are the same flowers that are featured in the Front Yard right now.  They are packed in with these Pineapple Mint or Orange Mint.  I think they cross pollinated with the Spearmint, so they don't smell as good as they did last year.  They will soon take over the yard and when I mow it will smell so delicious when I chop them down.

The Butterfly Bush is looking good.  I hope the deer doesn't eat it like the peppers and soybeans.

The Crabapple is getting munched on as well.  So frustrating.  Why don't you get tall already mister tree so the deer can't reach your tall branches.  I think a fence to go around it will have to help it get back on the road to recovery so it can reach for the sky.

 The Lilly of the Valley is not doing much, but staying alive.  I'll take that.

The beautiful Mesclun is surrounded by some really pretty flowers that I have yet to plant, a whole month later.

 It's like a salad bowl.  It just needs some dressing.

The Johnny-ups in the top corner are coming along so slowly.  The seeds were from 2009, so I don't know if they are stunted by that fact.

The resilient flowers that need to be planted.  So pretty.  Pink is not my favorite color, but it looks good with yellow and green.

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