Thursday, April 12, 2012

2012 - Pail No!

Really?  $139.95 for a Watering Can?  Really?

I have been following a blog called Garden Rant and they have some really good info on their site and pointed out something interesting.  They have a good point.  Copper Spades and Forks that cost hundreds of dollars are not for the everyday gardener.  Williams-Sonoma's Agrarian line is ridiculously priced, but so is everything on the site.  Don't get me wrong.  They have some beautiful items and I would like something for me to admire and never use, because I would be too afraid to break it.

If I were to go to my garden and attempt to use one of those items made of copper in my hard clay soil, they would be ruined and a real waste of a lot of money.  So my thought in this whole Agrarian line is for the people who have so much money to spend, they could buy these beautiful tools and keep them on their wall.  Being that they are beautiful, they are ornamental.  Too beautiful to put to work.  All show.  These people have people who bring their own tools to tend their garden, while the pretty tools sit on the wall shinning in the sun.

Now I know where all that stolen copper went to.  Let alone, why would I want to display some copper tools to be stolen.  They may as well be made out of gold.

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